March 13, 2025

Maharashtra farmers heat up march against the modi government

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Today we are living in 21st century of india.The government of india is talking about ACHE DIN, according to government(BJP) we are going to become a fastest economey in the world. The Narendra modi government says that we are going to towards New india and we have become a powerfull country in the international forum. But today the large number of the people in this country is looking their nation by unother gaze.

Today i am very shameful to say that the maharashtra farmers are facing a lot problems like loan, minimum support price of their crops. They are concern How they will pay the loan which they have been taken from the banks. Actully it is not the maharashtra farmers problem, Now a days whole farmer of this democratic country are suffring from this problem. But the gov of india is not concern about it.

Today large number of the maharashtra farmer doing march on the road and protesting against the indian government for their right. But the modi government is not listening to the farmers voice, i feel that the central gov and state devendra fadanvis gov are sleeping like kumbhkaran of ramayana. According to media reports the large number the farmer in this country gating suicide every day due to their problem. That is why the question is hanging over the modi government why the modi gov is not trying to solve the problems of the farmer ? why they are not bringing swami nathan commission report ? BJP government will have to stop doing dirty politics on the indian farmer in this country. Enough is enough, People of india will not tolerate it any more. If the farmer of this democratic country would not be happy then there would be too much danger on our economy.

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